7 Tricks to Reduce Stress: Expert Advice

22.02.2023 20:47

If you correctly build your attitude to unpleasant situations and slightly adjust your life principles, then the stress level can be reduced to a minimum.

The pleasant fact is that all the techniques are quite simple to perform and accessible.

What 7 tricks will help reduce stress levels

1. If you have a meeting coming up, business or friendly, then it is worth planning your time so that you leave 15 minutes early. This will eliminate the risk of being late and the worries associated with it, experts say.

2. It is also better to get up earlier than the alarm clock. When getting ready for work in the morning in a constant rush, we literally "charge" ourselves with negative emotions for the whole day.

In order to wake up comfortably, you should go to bed earlier.

young woman
Photo: Pixabay

3. Plan your day so that you have the opportunity to spend at least thirty minutes alone in the fresh air. This practice is great for "clearing" the brain and getting rid of destructive emotions.

4. Carry an interesting book with you or use its electronic version. We often get nervous and stressed in queues. But an interesting work will turn a waste of time into a useful pastime.

5. If you have broken or faulty things at home (a tap that barely works, a refrigerator that won't close, a squeaky door), then you need to fix them. Few people know that such little things tend to accumulate, making us more irritable.

6. Try gardening. Many people get rid of accumulated negative emotions by creating. Flowers are the best choice, because you will always see the results of your efforts.

7. Not everyone knows that caffeine can affect stress levels. If you notice that you have become more nervous and irritable, try replacing coffee and tea with water, milk or herbal tea. You will notice the difference quite quickly.

Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor