What is negging and how does it manifest itself in relationships: don't expect anything good

10.12.2024 19:21

Psychologists simply bombard partners or spouses who are facing temporary difficulties with complex professional terms.

One of them is negging, which is sometimes compared to gaslighting. If this doesn't make it any clearer, read this article to the end.

Experts explained what it is, how it manifests itself, and what to expect from relationships in the future.


Without going into the etymology, we would like to inform you that this is a type of human behavior when a person manages to humiliate his other half so exquisitely that the victim does not immediately understand it.

For example, a man can tell a woman that she looks so good in her new dress that her weight problems aren't even immediately noticeable. Or something similar.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Signs of negging

If you have some doubts about your partner’s sincerity, then listen to the compliments they give you.

1. These can be ambiguous phrases that refer to both appearance and abilities.

2. When you are told that they did not expect any high results from you at work, in cooking, or in any other manifestation of your personal qualities.

3. When you are compared to others and someone is constantly cited as an example.

4. When they don’t hide their doubts about your ability to cope with the task.

5. And, of course, when they turn a deaf ear to your suggestions, do not notice your desires, and do not take your plans into account.

You should be careful if, after hearing your well-founded claims to such a compliment, your partner tries to turn everything into a joke.

This attitude does not promise anything good.

Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Negging
  2. Signs of negging