Some people think that men are indifferent to compliments.
But sometimes one well-spoken word can turn an ordinary day into the best moment of their lives.
Men are not made of iron. Despite their external confidence, in their souls they also need support and approval.
When a person hears pleasant words, it increases his self-esteem and motivation. And for men who are used to keeping everything inside, this is especially important.
Which words work best?
Praise his actions: "You did such a great job!" or "No one could have done it better than you." A man feels like a hero when his efforts are noticed.
Compliment your appearance: Many people think that this is a female privilege, but men also love compliments about their appearance: “that suit suits you very well” or “you have an incredible smile.”
Support his ambitions: “You always find a way to achieve your goals!” Such words strengthen self-confidence and inspire new achievements.
There are phrases that may sound ambiguous or even offensive.
For example: "You look good for your age" or "Well, you did well, at least you did something." Such words are more likely to cause irritation than joy.
Some phrases work almost always:
Men sense falsehood. Even if a compliment is perfectly chosen, but sounds insincere, it loses its power. Words must come from the heart.
These are the compliments that can work wonders. The main thing is to say them sincerely and with warmth.