Psychologist Alevtina Vishnevskaya told what makes men run away from women

06.04.2023 18:43

Relationships are always an exchange, a balance between giving and taking. The exchange can be emotional, an exchange of care, interest in each other.

Psychologist Alevtina Vishnevskaya told what makes men run away from women.

Relationships where this exchange is violated become unattractive to us. It happens that a person strives for relationships in which this balance will be violated from the very beginning.

Needy look. Women who feel lonely and seek relationships to ease their loneliness repel men.

The need for something already implies a violation of balance, it is not the person and the relationship with him that is interesting, but the satisfaction of one's need. Such women are said to cling to men, and this is repulsive.

Photo: Pixabay

Excessive demands on men: a man must be well-off, give gifts, take me on vacation, support me, love my mother, etc. Where is the exchange here?

Such relationships involve using the other person. Relationships in which one always gives something and the other consumes are lacking balance. To what extent can you satisfy your own material needs?

The woman is not confident in herself and strives to find a man with whom she will feel confident and supported. “If there is a man next to me who is confident, sociable, successful, communicative, I can become like that too,” she reasons.

A woman is not looking for a man, but for a kind and supportive parent. A partner can be supportive, but he is not obliged to become a parent to an adult.

The woman does not accept herself and tries to change her appearance in various ways. Heavy makeup, pumped up lips, big eyelashes, fillers that are visible to the naked eye, excessive thinness, etc. This suggests that it is difficult for the woman to accept her appearance and feel her beauty.

Another variant of self-rejection is when a woman tries to hide her age. She dresses inappropriately for her age, surrounds herself with friends younger than herself, and will never answer directly when asked how old she is.

This is repulsive because in a relationship a woman will not be able to be herself. She will try to maintain the image she has created, she will not be able to be real and sincere. The relationship will be built on hypocrisy and deception. This is irritating and repulsive.

Try to formulate: why do you really need a relationship? What do you want to get from it and what can you give? Formulate 3-4 values that you can focus on when choosing a partner.

Author: Valeria Kisternaya Internet resource editor