Psychologist Elena Katsyuba told how to successfully get married: advice

17.03.2023 20:24
Updated: 14.04.2023 17:50

The phrase "marry well" can be interpreted in two ways.

In the first case, we are talking about the so-called marriage of convenience, in the second – about harmonious relationships in which the woman feels comfortable and happy.

Psychologist Elena Katsyuba told how to successfully get married: advice.

Marriage as a good deal

Most often, by the phrase “to marry successfully” we mean a relationship in which everything seems to fall from the sky for the girl: a successful husband, an apartment, a summer house, and a car.

If she places bets on the wealth of her future spouse in her life and grades men primarily based on these values, then we are talking about a marriage in the form of a transaction.

ring book
Photo: Pixabay

Is there a type of man who is ready to make such a deal? Yes, and there are many of them. How to find such a husband? You can find a lot of advice on this topic on the Internet, including lists of typical places where you have a good chance of meeting wealthy men, as well as recommendations on how to behave when meeting.

All that remains is to become a regular at such places and actively make acquaintances and build relationships. In reality, it is not difficult, and many women have managed to fulfill their dream and “get settled” in this way.

But we must understand that marriage in the form of a transaction presupposes a corresponding attitude on the part of the one who “bought” the wife.

A husband most often perceives such a wife as some kind of addition to the interior or a successful investment. Therefore, you need to be prepared for the fact that you will always play a secondary role, and your interests and experiences will most likely not worry your wealthy husband.

A marriage that is comfortable and cozy

But one can look at the phrase “to marry successfully” as a relationship in which a woman feels satisfied and happy.

She has the opportunity to be herself, allows herself to experience different emotions, without fear of being misunderstood, and successfully reveals her potential, feeling the support of her other half.

Of course, the financial situation of the family also plays an important role in feeling comfortable, but this is not the primary criterion when choosing a partner.

How to get married successfully in this sense? Choose a partner with whom you will have similar views on love, family, life, the same values. You should feel comfortable and cozy with him, and not have the desire to run away after the first month of living together under the same roof.

In order to avoid disagreements regarding plans for the future after marriage, they should be agreed upon on the shore. In this case, the risk of the "Swan, Pike and Cancer" situation will be minimized.

When a couple is on the same page, they are not stressed and both partners feel satisfied and happy.

Author: Valeria Kisternaya Internet resource editor

  1. Marriage as a good deal
  2. A marriage that is comfortable and cozy