Psychologist Lyubov Trofimova told what stages couples go through in relationships

16.03.2023 21:02

There are a huge number of versions about how long love lives and what difficulties partners go through when they start living together. Let's figure it out together.

Psychologist Lyubov Trofimova told about the stages that couples go through in relationships.

Relationships are a symbiosis of working on yourself with joint work on relationships. It does not happen that one is exclusively right and the other is guilty.

Everyone goes through the necessary lessons and draws conclusions. Women often come to me with a broken heart or complaints that a man has stopped loving, understanding, appreciating and caring for them.

And with each one we analyze in turn the stages of the relationship that they have gone through and where difficulties, stuckness or misunderstandings arose. The miracle happens after the client honestly admits to herself where she missed attention or did not speak frankly with the man.

Photo: Pixabay

And from this stage, the construction of completely new relationships begins, on a different level of understanding, love and care.

It's amazing, but relationships work like a clock: depending on how you set them up, use them and care for them, they give you the exact time to the second or with errors. Every couple goes through different stages, conflicts and happy moments throughout their existence, but not everyone can withstand them with dignity.

Let's look at each stage from the perspective of its benefits to the relationship and how to emerge victorious, holding hands tightly.

5 stages that a man and a woman go through when creating a relationship

  1. Falling in love: the most romantic stage, when your legs are buckling and your head is filled with only the object of your thoughts and desires. At this stage, people begin to communicate more closely and take an interest in each other, and also try to present themselves in a favorable light, showing only their advantages.
    Please note that for a successful relationship in the future, it is important not to embellish your qualities or lifestyle too much. Over time, the dust will fall off and you will not maintain the same image, but the impressions and expectations will remain the same.
  2. Formation of a couple: this does not necessarily mean marriage, sometimes this stage is characterized by the beginning of a relationship, when both agree on monogamy in relation to each other. And if you did the right thing at stage 1, then the search for similar interests, contacts and testing personal boundaries for strength will be comfortable for you.
  3. Disillusionment: a stage that occurs cyclically in every relationship with varying frequency. This means that once you have gone through it, it will repeat itself as the couple grows, develops, and interests change.
    To get through this stage, it is important to talk honestly and listen to your partner. If you throw mutual accusations or take the position of “everyone owes me”, then nothing good will happen.
  4. Psychological therapy: over the years, couples become friends and psychologists for each other. They give advice, share problems, immerse themselves in everyday life and forget about passion, love and emotions.
    This stage is comfortable and safe for everyone, but there are risks of getting lost in exclusively friendly moods and support. Do not forget to arrange romantic dinners, meetings and spend time just the two of you.
  5. True love: quite rare, but only more beautiful because of this. Yes, here the couple also continues to have conflicts, they share advice and problems with each other, but continue to love and maintain tenderness, mutual respect and endless care.
    For such couples, the house is a full cup, many children or guests are near them, it is very fun and warm. But it was the two of them who created this scenario, in agreement and understanding.

It can be difficult to accept another person with their problems and tasks, not to start becoming taller, but to walk alongside. But this is a daily choice for two.

And if you support each other, help each other and maintain warmth, love and care: you will have that ideal relationship with true love.

Author: Valeria Kisternaya Internet resource editor