4 tips to help you start praising your child: achievements will not go unnoticed

11.03.2023 17:00
Updated: 14.04.2023 14:41

When it comes to scolding a son or daughter, parents always say a huge number of words. Sometimes they break into shouting, begin to humiliate the child.

All this affects his psyche, how he develops. This needs to be worked on, this situation needs to be corrected. But we shouldn't stop there.

It is also important to praise the child, and to do it correctly. To do this, you will need to follow several tips.

Praise, but don't compare

Praise is needed to inspire a child to further achievements. But this will definitely not be done if you compare him to someone who is better.

This can only kill his self-esteem. You should only note his achievements, praise them, and not mention any of the guys in conversation.

Photo: Pixabay

Look for the good

You shouldn't expect outstanding actions from a child. Such actions are not performed very often and not by everyone. But praise is necessary for gaining high self-esteem.

It is necessary to find the good in your son or daughter and praise them for it. This way you can show your child that he or she is good in and of themselves, that their failures do not make them worse, that even without achievements they are valuable.

Praise for the process

If a child has taken on something, you shouldn't wait for him to achieve something. You need to tell him during the work how important it is that he is doing something, how much his effort alone means.

This can motivate a child of any age, you can inspire him. And diligently, the will to win will be cultivated in this way.

Do not criticize

After praise, some parents immediately try to make a remark. But you shouldn't run to such a practice. The thing is that it can devalue those warm words that were said, show that achievements mean nothing.

In this case, the baby will not have the desire to act later. He may become passive, he may even deliberately do something that will cause an exclusively negative reaction.

Such advice will definitely be useful for parents. With their help, you can make praise sincere, you will not miss the child's achievements, the results that he shows. All this will allow you not to spoil the relationship with him, but only strengthen it.

Author: Yana Lysova Internet resource editor

  1. Praise, but don't compare
  2. Look for the good
  3. Praise for the process
  4. Do not criticize