Psychologist Tatyana Persiko told what peculiarities you will have to face if your chosen one is a foreigner

14.02.2023 20:17

At first, everyone dreamed of marrying a famous person, an idol, then millionaires came into fashion, and now it is considered cool if the chosen one is a foreigner.

Tatyana Persiko , an expert of the online publication "Belnovosti", a psychologist, psychotherapist, and relationship expert, told us what peculiarities you will have to face if your chosen one is a foreigner.

Fashion changes, but relationships remain. However, if you have decided on a foreigner, let's figure it out.

What are the specifics you will have to face if your chosen one is a foreigner?

1. Difference in mentality. This can be a problem, or, on the contrary, an advantage.

If you know how to hear and listen to another person, then the difference in mentality will not be an obstacle for you. You can agree on everything if both partners value family relationships as their main value.

Photo: Pixabay

If this becomes a problem, it is not because of the nationality of your chosen one, but most likely because of a mismatch in values.

From experience I can say that foreign men are more inclined to discuss problems than our compatriots. They immediately say what and how they don’t like. You can follow their example and engage in heated discussions. This brings people closer.

2. Language barrier. They say that love has no barriers. However, if when you meet and fall in love you can communicate using sign language, it can soon become boring.

Discussing the intricacies of your relationship, having a heart-to-heart chat over a glass and sharing your most intimate secrets is impossible if you speak different languages. Therefore, sooner or later you need to start learning the language. Better in advance - this opens up more opportunities.

3. Family values. For some reason, it is believed that foreign men value relationships and children together more. It varies. There are regions in some countries where divorce is categorically not welcomed.

Even if you have realized that you are not right for each other, in this case you will have a hard time: the law on preserving the family will work against you in any case. It is important to know the laws of the country you are going to move to.

4. Relationship scenario. I repeat, it can be different. However, partnership relations are often more valued than the patriarchal ones that are common in our country. Although everything changes.

It is very important to discuss these subtleties at the beginning of the relationship. How each of you sees a joint routine, responsibilities, raising children and spending free time. The more nuances you discuss, the easier it will be for you in the future.

5. Attitude to women. Foreign men really do treat women with more respect and reverence than our compatriots. Beautiful courtship can blind you and lull your vigilance, so do not forget about all the previous points.

6. Values. Definitely, family and spending time together will be in the first place for a man, and work somewhere after. Many girls are looking for men with exactly these values, forgetting that at least the same attitude is expected from them.

We must not forget about the balance of taking and giving. When receiving care and attention in large quantities, it is important to give the same in return.

7. Appearance. It is an indisputable fact that foreign men look better than ours with age. Maybe it is genetics, an abundance of sun, natural products, or they have their own secrets.

And our girls seem more attractive to them because they are different from the usual ones. Nevertheless, grooming and a girl's own style are very important to them, and they give preference to such girls.

Otherwise, the classic laws of love and relationships apply. Love, accept love and be happy.

Author: Valeria Kisternaya Internet resource editor