3 Reasons to Break Up with a Man Even If He Swears He Loves You

27.11.2024 10:46

Love can be compared to a real marathon, during which you are constantly haunted by problems, difficulties and crises.

But it’s one thing if you’re going through a temporary “grinding in,” and quite another if you’re constantly being suppressed: psychologically and physically.

If you notice that the things from the list below are happening in your relationship, think about whether they are worth cherishing.

A man's desires are always higher than yours.

If a relationship can be described as healthy, then compromise will be achieved through mutual concessions on both sides.

You should not constantly give in to the desires and interests of your partner - otherwise, everything that happens between you can be called voluntary slavery.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Men's promises are worth nothing

A partner who is committed to a serious relationship will make every effort to overcome the crisis and improve for the better.

If he only makes promises to change and breaks his vows immediately after the danger of a breakup has passed, it is unlikely that he is afraid of losing you.

You have to fight for a man

The opponent in such a struggle can be anything (or anyone) - a stressful job, a caring mother, or an ex-girlfriend.

If you have to use all your talents every time to keep a man by your side, it's time to ask yourself: is there any point in this?

For reference

Romantic love is an intense and pleasurable feeling of emotional attraction to another person, often associated with sexual attraction.

Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources

  1. A man's desires are always higher than yours.
  2. Men's promises are worth nothing
  3. You have to fight for a man

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