Even a novice gardener knows the difference between zucchini and squash. However, summer residents continue to grow squash and there are reasons for that.
In this case, pay attention to the varieties that do not require peeling. They have thin skin and not many seeds.
Housewives know that vitamins are contained not only in the pulp of vegetables, but also in the skin. And the thinner the skin, the tastier and healthier the dishes and preserves are.
Here are several varieties of zucchini that are loved by domestic summer residents, but not by foreign farmers.
The variety is disease resistant and highly productive.
Zucchini grows thin-skinned, has few seeds, and the fruits weigh up to 1.3 kg.
In cooking it is considered a universal vegetable.
An ultra-early variety, distinguished by its resistance to bad weather and diseases.
The vegetables gain weight up to 1.5 kilograms and are considered universal in terms of culinary use.
Zucchini fans also have plenty to choose from.
These varieties are known for their consistently high yields, the bushes do not grow, and the fruits grow with a minimum number of seeds.
Gardeners are recommended to use the varieties Zebra, Skvorushka, Zolotinka or Tsukesha.
By choosing these varieties of squash and zucchini, you can count on a rich harvest, ease of processing, and also on the fact that home-made preparations will turn out not only tasty, but also healthy.