What smells do moles dislike: place these vegetables in mole holes - and uninvited guests will leave the area

09.06.2023 06:20

Many summer residents get upset when they realize that mole tunnels have appeared under their garden beds.

A mole is an unwelcome guest in a country house. After all, the animal not only damages roots and makes the soil less suitable for growing garden crops, but can also carry dangerous diseases.

To prevent a drop in plant yields, it is advisable to drive away insectivores.

Of course, you can use traps, repellents or chemicals.

But it is better to choose a less expensive, safer and more effective approach.

Photo: © Belnovosti

How to drive away moles with smell

Representatives of the Insectivorous order have poorly developed organs of vision. However, these animals have a fine sense of smell.

And moles simply cannot stand some smells. First of all, we are talking about the aroma of spicy vegetables.

You need to take an onion and a few cloves of garlic. All of this should be cut into very small pieces.

The resulting mass must be poured into mole holes.

The resulting smell will certainly not please insectivores. And this will force the pests to leave the area.

Excellent results will be achieved with minimal resources. A gentle method of fighting moles is the key to saving the harvest and maintaining the high quality of the soil cover.

Author: Sergey Tumanov Internet resource editor