How to choose cucumber seeds for planting: points that almost all gardeners forget about

18.01.2023 11:53
Updated: 13.04.2023 12:40

When it comes time to choose cucumbers for planting seedlings or in the ground, many summer residents forget about one important circumstance.

In all other respects, they do the right thing: they carefully study the manufacturer's requirements, planting time, fruiting period, etc. But there is one more thing.

Why do we need cucumbers?

Here's another thing to remember when choosing seeds: Cucumbers aren't just for picking and eating right out of the garden or adding to a salad.

Part of the harvest is used for winter preparations, but not every cucumber is ideal for preservation.

Pickled cucumbers

These should be medium-sized vegetables, thin-skinned, with dense flesh. These cucumbers are good both in canning and fresh.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Salad cucumbers

The shape of the fruit can be very diverse. The size and consistency of the vegetable can also differ. In fresh form, these fruits have no equal, but for winter preparations they are completely unsuitable. The fruits become soft.

Cucumbers are universal

These fruits have skin and pulp of medium hardness. They "sound" good in salads, preserves and pickles.

If you miss this moment, you can harvest a crop that will be difficult to process.

Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Why do we need cucumbers?
  2. Pickled cucumbers
  3. Salad cucumbers
  4. Cucumbers are universal