Even if a person follows a healthy diet, they may still experience a lack of effect.
But this is not a reason to go all out and include in your diet everything you had to deny yourself until now. In such cases, nutritionists advise finding the cause and eliminating it.
As scientists from the Milan Institute found out, the reason for this is chronic stress. The results of their work were published by MedNews.
Scientists recruited a group of 150 volunteers from different age groups.
They studied the diet of the subjects and the characteristics of the absorption of nutrients.
All volunteers followed a Mediterranean diet, consuming plenty of fruits and vegetables, fish and seafood, whole grains and poultry.
Blood tests of the experiment participants showed that the level of special cytokine molecules remained quite high.
That is, proper nutrition was unable to reduce the level of inflammation, which means that nutrients were not absorbed.
This situation was especially evident in women over 45 years of age.
In them, chronic stress caused metabolic disorders, and the absorption of nutrients decreased by 60-70%.
The scientists note that the results of their study do not mean that stress means forgetting about proper nutrition.
Rather, we need to combat stress factors.