Everyone knows how and under what circumstances boiled sausage appeared in the recipe for the popular New Year's salad.
But it's not that it spoils the original recipe. It poses a much greater threat to human health.
Gastroenterologist Anastasia Timoshchenko told NEWS.ru in an interview what kind of meat is best to chop into a holiday salad instead of sausage.
Sausage products are harmful in themselves because they are a highly processed product.
Firstly, sausage contains a lot of salt, and secondly, no less amount of saturated fat.
When combined with other salad ingredients and holiday treats, the calorie content increases significantly.
This is why it is recommended to use boiled meat instead of sausage.
It is digested faster and better. When choosing meat, it is better to give preference to dietary types - turkey or chicken breast.
In any case, it should be meat containing a minimum amount of fat.
Therefore, you can even use beef or rabbit meat if you like its dry taste.
But the doctor advises to give up pork and lamb.