The most harmful food combinations that many people eat every day have been named

20.01.2025 16:19

Some popular food combinations can cause serious harm to your health.

Brand chef Grigory Mosin warned about this.

He listed the most harmful food combinations in an interview with Gazeta.Ru .

The most harmful food combinations

First, potatoes with meat. The combination of starch and protein can cause heaviness in the stomach, bloating and other unpleasant symptoms.

You can make it easier to digest potatoes with meat by adding vegetables, for example, cauliflower, broccoli, spinach.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Secondly, macaroni and cheese. Regular consumption of this dish is fraught with rapid weight gain and problems with blood glucose levels.

To minimize negative effects, give preference to pasta made from whole grain flour.

Instead of regular cheese, use low-fat varieties, Mosin advised.

Thirdly, bread with sausage. Both products contain a lot of salt and preservatives, and may also contain artificial additives.

Eating bread with sausage has a negative effect on the kidneys, cardiovascular system and overall health.

Sausage should be replaced with boiled chicken or turkey, white bread with rye or whole grain.

The expert also advised not to combine soda with fatty foods and alcohol with coffee.

Author: Timur Khomichev Internet resource editor