Scientists dispel a common myth about persimmon: advice for those losing weight

02.12.2024 21:01

The viscosity of persimmon is not its main drawback. For a long time, it was believed that a large amount of sugar makes eating the fruit harmful to your figure.

It’s good that science doesn’t stand still, and what seemed true yesterday is turning into another popular myth today.

It is the task of scientists to dispel these myths. We will tell you what new nutritionists have learned about the benefits of persimmon.

Western researchers have concluded that claims about the large amount of sugar in persimmons are unfounded.

It’s just the opposite – the glycemic index of the fruit is so low that it can be consumed on a diet to combat excess weight.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Persimmon also has a unique ratio of carbohydrates and fiber.

When eating persimmon, the body receives a source of energy that is consumed gradually, and this “charge” lasts for a long period.

And this is not the only thing that makes persimmon useful. The fruit, which was wrongly mentioned, helps improve sleep due to its potassium and magnesium content.

The next valuable quality is a source of iron. Therefore, persimmon is useful for athletes and patients with anemia.

For reference

Myth is a symbolic narrative that serves as an explanation of reality for the bearer; usually (but not always) it has no specific author, and is associated with tradition and religious beliefs.

Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor