A popular sweet that shouldn't be washed down with tea: only a few people know about it

26.12.2024 07:53

There are many people with a sweet tooth who love tea with cookies.

For such people, there is bad news: it turns out that the above-mentioned drink and confectionery do not go together.

In other words, you can't drink tea with cookies.

Of course, the rule also works “in the opposite direction”: a popular drink should not be washed down with the aforementioned sweets.

Ignoring the recommendation may lead to unpleasant consequences.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Why cookies don't go with tea

The fact is that the vast majority of confectionery products of this type contain white flour.

And this component does not get along with tannins, the source of which is tea.

If a person drinks tea with cookies, he will seriously “burden” the gastrointestinal tract.

Problems such as flatulence and constipation may arise.

Therefore, give up the habit of washing down cookies with tea.

Also, do not consume the drink with any other sweet that contains white flour.

If you can't drink tea "without something sweet", then choose a confectionery product that is not flour. For example, a chocolate bar.

Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief