Don't assume that weight gain is caused only by eating huge amounts of unhealthy food: sometimes the reasons may seem completely unexpected.
Therefore, it is worth analyzing your lifestyle and diet in order to eliminate this risk.
Many people allow themselves a piece of cake or pastry in coffee shops, and order coffee with whipped cream, syrup and sugar.
Such foods and drinks are incredibly high in calories.
After them, you will soon feel hungry and exceed your daily calorie intake.
Therefore, you need to either restrain yourself or visit such establishments less often.
It is enough to simply look at the calorie content of these products to draw conclusions. These are very high-calorie supplements to the diet, which are not particularly necessary.
Therefore, it is always worth preparing them yourself.
If you don't want to deal with excess weight, then dinner should always be as light as possible. In most cases, you simply won't have time to "work off" the calories.
It will also complicate the work of the gastrointestinal tract.