Figure Skating Diet: How to Get a Slim Body in 14 Days

15.09.2024 05:50
Updated: 27.09.2024 21:06

The grace of the figure skaters on the ice always arouses admiration. At the same time, it cannot be said that they are thin. Of course, the ice requires significant physical exertion!

Rounded, smooth, feminine shapes and nothing superfluous. How to achieve this?

Is there a special diet for figure skaters besides grueling training? It turns out, yes.

In essence, these are fasting days, or more precisely, 14 days of gentle nutrition.

At this time, the athlete eats exactly 8 times a day, and this rule cannot be broken. Here, the main condition of all special diets is observed - eat a little, but at equal intervals and often. Of course, the selection of products is no less important.

Legs Skates
Photo: © Belnovosti

The diet day begins with a very light breakfast: a glass of still mineral water is drunk.

If you only have carbonated water in your supplies, simply pour it into a larger container (a jar, for example) a few hours before drinking and leave it there to release the gas.

The second breakfast consists of a unique salad - bran and kelp (in the amount of half a cup), which is washed down with good green tea (without sugar!). At this meal you can allow yourself 2 cups of this drink.

The third breakfast is 3 apples, and it is desirable that the fruits are not small.

Lunch is divided into two meals: the first one is a glass of low-fat kefir and a couple of rye croutons, the second one is 100 g of diet cottage cheese and an orange.

For an afternoon snack, you can eat 4 whole grain breads, washed down with black tea (no sugar).

The two dinners are divided as follows: the first - another 100 g of dietary cottage cheese, the second - either 2 eggs or 100 g of boiled lean meat, such as beef or chicken.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

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