Appetite changes not only depending on the time of day, but also on the time of year.
It is no news to anyone that in the cold season a person prefers more caloric food, but in the heat he can get by with just water.
Here's what experts from New Space Agency Priboj say about it.
Appetite depends not only on internal processes, but also on the time of year, time of day, environment and other factors.
But as for hot weather, at this time doctors recommend being careful with salty foods, especially if you have problems with the cardiovascular system and kidneys.
We exclude fatty, canned and smoked foods.
Instead of meat, choose fish and periodically arrange fasting days on plant foods.
Meat dishes can be made from beef or veal. Vegetables should be neither sour nor hot.
Include vegetable oil and butter in your diet.
But you need to be careful with sweet drinks and coffee.
For desserts, it is recommended to choose berries and fruits instead of baked goods.
It is better to move breakfast to the period of 6-7 am. Then you can have lunch not in the hot midday, but from about 11:30. And dinner in this case can be planned for 18-19:00.
For a snack, you can make a vegetable smoothie.
The ideal drinks are drinking water (even regular boiled water), fruit drinks and green tea.