How to Trick Your Brain: 4 Tips to Help You Eat Right and Not Break Down

08.04.2024 08:03

The first thing I would like to recommend to anyone who wants to join the healthy diet is not to starve yourself and not to blame yourself for breakdowns.

If you indulge in a cheat meal, even an unplanned one, nutritionist Nmami Agarwal advises returning to a healthy diet immediately afterward.

If you are unable to give up alcohol, the doctor advises using tall and narrow glasses for drinking it.

Such glassware helps to deceive the brain: it seems to us that there is more liquid in tall glasses, when in fact this is not the case, and as a result, the amount drunk will be less.

Another tip is to eat foods that include legumes, nuts, fish, fruits and vegetables.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Such food contains much more nutrients, but significantly fewer calories when compared to fast food and processed foods.

Finally, future PP-shniks should listen to the latest recommendation, according to which healthy nuts, vegetables and fruits should be placed in a visible place, while harmful ones should be kept out of sight.

As a snack, you can use fruit or, for example, homemade beetroot chips.

Earlier we talked about why your stomach rumbles after drinking milk.

Elena Shimanovskaya Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources

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