Before talking about the need to lose weight, it is worth remembering that obesity is only considered when the body mass index is greater than 30.
Helpful hint: To calculate your BMI, divide your weight in kilograms by your height in meters squared.
If you have confirmed that you are indeed overweight, but still have not found the motivation to get rid of it, perhaps the following reasons will help you.
The unpleasant consequences of excess weight include such seemingly unrelated phenomena as heartburn, flu, periodontitis and musculoskeletal disorders.
Heartburn occurs as a result of additional acid release into the esophagus, which, in turn, is provoked by many fatty foods and prepared meals; arthritis, which affects the knee joints, occurs because people who are overweight have difficulty moving, they are more often sedentary.
The link between obesity and the other diseases we mentioned has also been confirmed in various studies.
Sometimes excess weight appears as a consequence of depression, because people often replace the lack of positive emotions with high-calorie food. A difficult psychological state only worsens when a person is in a full body, in connection with which weight loss can be considered as part of therapy.
If you are still not convinced of the need to adjust your diet to reduce the number on the scale, it is worth remembering that excess fat tissue leads to heart problems, diabetes, and in some cases, cancer.
Earlier we talked about why people like unhealthy food so much.