Peas, meat and fish: essential products for children's diets named

19.04.2023 11:22

If you correctly plan your child’s diet, it will help him develop normally not only physically, but also neuropsychically.

It is important to understand that health problems that arise from poor nutrition in childhood can remind of themselves years later. For example, an adult may begin to have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, excess weight, and so on.

This was reported by Rospotrebnadzor as part of the Healthy Eating project.

Experts noted that a growing body needs protein, which can be taken from dairy products, grains and legumes, which can be accompanied by meat, fish and eggs.

Fats are also necessary for the body. After all, it is a more concentrated source of energy than, for example, carbohydrates. Therefore, you can include butter, milk and other dairy products, as well as eggs in the menu.

Products, dishes
Photo: © Belnovosti

As for carbohydrates, they can be found in vegetables, fruits, fresh juices. Milk will have to be mentioned again.

If we talk about sweets, then they should be given up. At the same time, there should be no total bans. In extreme cases, you can give up to 25 grams of sweet food per day. If you overdo it, then this is a direct path to a decrease in immunity, as well as problems with teeth and weight.

A growing organism also needs vitamins A and D. Their deficiency slows down growth, leads to deterioration of vision, provokes problems with teeth, and so on. The necessary components can be found in vitamin complexes, as well as in certain products, for example, in fatty fish, caviar, eggs. You can replenish the supply simply by being in the fresh air.

Author: Olga Kotova Internet resource editor