Many people fail to cook dumplings so that the dough turns out soft and tender.
Very often the dish turns out "wooden".
In other words, the flour "shell" turns out to be too tough.
What's the matter? Perhaps the dough wasn't prepared correctly.
But in most cases, the problem occurs for a completely different reason.
So, some housewives use extra additives when cooking dumplings.
This point was noted by the expert of the online publication Belnovosti in the field of cooking, chef, fourth-class baker Yulia Arkhipova.
When boiling these dishes, many people add a little vinegar to the boiling water.
After all, there is a widespread belief that an acidic additive improves the taste and consistency of a dish.
The vinegar component supposedly makes the dumplings more appetizing and the dough supposedly becomes more tender.
But in reality, the opposite effect is achieved: vinegar, when placed in high-temperature water, “forces” the flour shell to harden.
In addition, the taste of the dish deteriorates.
From all of the above, we can draw a simple conclusion: adding vinegar to water while cooking dumplings is a gross mistake.