Why did sauerkraut go sour and become soft: what is the mistake and can it be fixed

16.12.2024 10:05

Sauerkraut is easy to prepare, but some mistakes can spoil its taste.

If you do everything right, you can add the preparation to a salad, cook cabbage soup, or simply serve it with butter and onions. The main thing is that the cabbage does not turn sour.

Expert of the online publication "BelNovosti" Yulia Arkhipova - a cook and fourth-class baker explained why this happens.

First, the cutting

If you are preparing a salad from fresh cabbage, it is better to cut it into thin strips.

But if you chop the cabbage head for fermentation, then because of the fine cutting it will release a lot of juice, which will increase fermentation.

Photo: © Belnovosti

But soon the activity of lactic acid bacteria will decrease and other microorganisms will begin to take over the jar.

Therefore, cabbage for sourdough is not cut thinner than 3-5 mm.

Secondly, proportions

Failure to observe the proportions may result in the extra carrots increasing fermentation and making the cabbage slimy and soft.

Something similar can happen due to a lack of brine.

Therefore, carrots should not make up more than 10% of the cabbage amount.

It is also important that the cabbage is completely covered with the prepared brine.

Thirdly, technology

Do not leave the prepared cabbage near heating devices. The optimal conditions for pickling are 18-21 degrees Celsius.

It is no longer possible to correct the situation. Only by following these simple rules can you make a snack for your everyday table and a preparation for cooking tasty and healthy dishes.

Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor
Expert: Julia Arkhipova Expert / Belnovosti

  1. First, the cutting
  2. Secondly, proportions
  3. Thirdly, technology

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