How to Make Oversalted Soup Edible: A Life-Saving Additive

29.11.2024 16:17

Let's imagine a situation: you added too much salt to the soup you were preparing.

As a result, the first dish became virtually inedible.

What to do in this situation? Pour out the soup?

No! After all, the food can be made fit for consumption.

There is a life-saving additive, which was told about by the expert of the online publication Belnovosti in the field of cooking, chef, fourth-class baker Yulia Arkhipova.

Photo: © Belnovosti

How to "Fix" Oversalted Soup

The most ordinary potato will come to the aid of the cook.

Peel the tuber, rinse it and throw it into a pot of soup on the stove.

Boil the vegetable in the broth for 5-7 minutes.

The nightshade will begin to “take away” excess table salt.

Sodium chloride will gradually “pass” from the soup into the vegetable.

When the time is up, turn off the burner and remove the potato from the first course.

This vegetable can no longer be eaten: it will have to be thrown away.

But the soup will be quite suitable for consumption. Try a little - and you will immediately see that the first course is no longer oversalted.

For reference

Soup is a liquid dish that contains at least 50% liquid.

Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief
Expert: Julia Arkhipova Expert / Belnovosti