How to Get Rid of the Unpleasant Smell When Frying Mackerel: All You Need Is Salt

13.07.2023 09:30

It is unlikely that anyone will argue that mackerel is one of the most delicious fish.

But it’s not only this quality that makes it a welcome guest on the table – in order to cook mackerel tastelessly, you’ll have to try really hard.

It doesn’t matter what method of cooking fish you choose – salting, frying, stewing, etc.: the result will certainly be excellent.

True, there is one thing: if you subject mackerel to heat, that is, throw it into a hot frying pan or put it in a saucepan and put it on the fire, a specific smell will spread throughout the kitchen.

Not everyone likes this bright fishy aroma, and cooking behind tightly closed kitchen doors is not a pleasure.

Photo: Pixabay

Instead of slamming the doors tightly and plugging all the cracks to avoid the spread of an unpleasant smell throughout the entire apartment, take advantage of the advice of experienced housewives.

They claim that if you pre-salt the fish and leave it like that for 1-3 hours, there will be no smell.

All you need to do is rub the carcass with salt on all sides. Please note: you should not add salt later.

In addition to the fact that this life hack will rid you of the unpleasant “aroma”, it has another advantage: the meat will become denser and will not fall apart during the cooking process.

Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources