Why you need to remove foam when cooking broth and what to do if you fail to do it in time

10.06.2023 02:30

Usually, when preparing meat broth, foam appears on the surface of the liquid.

Its occurrence is explained by the curdling of the protein contained in meat.

Some amateur cooks ignore the problem, leaving the foam. And in vain, because such a suspension is the source of the bitter taste.

In addition, the foam makes the broth look less than appetizing: the liquid becomes cloudy.

Therefore, the foam that forms when the broth is boiled must be removed.

Photo: © Belnovosti

However, it often happens that the cook did not have time to do this because he was distracted by something. As a result, the suspension ends up at the bottom.

But there is nothing to worry about. Foam can be removed even in such a situation.

What experienced cooks do

If a seasoned gourmet realizes that the foam has settled to the bottom, he will open the freezer and take out a filled ice tray.

The person will take out one cube and put it into the pan.

The temperature difference will cause the suspension to return to the surface of the liquid dish. And then the cook will again have the opportunity to easily remove the foam.

What can be used instead of ice

Not all gourmets will like the fact of adding water to the broth.

The fact is that the taste of even a slightly diluted decoction becomes less bright.

Therefore, instead of an ice cube, you can use another additive. For example, some vegetable that is ideal for broth.

It can be a carrot circle or an onion. But there is an important requirement: any of these vegetables should be used only in frozen form.

Author: Sergey Tumanov Internet resource editor

  1. What experienced cooks do
  2. What can be used instead of ice

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