Not all housewives have time to salt herring themselves.
However, this is not a reason to refuse fur coat, forshmak and other dishes that require salted fish.
All you need to do is buy the necessary product, and we will tell you how to do it in such a way that you will not regret your choice.
The first thing you need to do is look the herring straight in the eye.
They should be clear, not red or cloudy - in this case, the fish is no longer fit to be served at the table.
In addition, you can assess the quality of the fish offered by the seller by the rusty deposits on the carcass - they simply should not be there.
Finally, be sure to watch how the fishmonger removes the fish from the brine - the liquid should be clear, not cloudy.
In addition, the brine should flow off the herring like water. If it "falls" heavily, it means the fish has been in the brine for too long.