Preventing laziness in a child: what should parents do if they don't want to raise a lazy child?

20.09.2024 12:30

Many mothers and fathers sometimes face a situation when their child shows reluctance to study, do household chores and be active in various areas of life due to banal laziness.

Here are some recommendations for parents that will help prevent the development of this quality and raise a successful and active person.

Eliminate your excessive desire to care for your child

If you want your child to grow up to be a strong individual who can take responsibility and solve problems, try to avoid overprotective behavior.

You yourself may not notice how you move from the phrase: “Please give up the swing to Masha, she’s too embarrassed to ask herself” to the phrase: “Please hire Masha, she’s very responsible.”

Listen carefully to your child

Don't brush off your son or daughter who wants to tell you something. Active listening will help you understand what's bothering your child, what he or she would like, what abilities he or she has.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Show genuine interest in your child's affairs, take his thoughts seriously and do not interfere with his choice of activities.

Don't live your child's life for him - this way you deprive him of the opportunity to gain life experience, and as a result, in the future he himself will not understand what he wants.

Get involved in household chores

It is best to start when the baby is just learning to walk. Offer the baby simple tasks, such as cleaning up toys, doing laundry or feeding the cat. Don't be afraid, this will not deprive the child of childhood, but on the contrary, you will spend many pleasant moments together.

Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources

  1. Eliminate your excessive desire to care for your child
  2. Listen carefully to your child
  3. Get involved in household chores

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