A child's trust in his mother and father is an important condition for family happiness and well-being.
Unfortunately, some children hide a lot from their parents.
However, it is quite possible to correct the situation.
To ensure that an atmosphere of trust and mutual respect reigns in the family, it is enough to follow four simple rules.
If you promised your son or daughter to buy something, be sure to do it. Otherwise, the baby will stop trusting you.
Try not to promise your child something that is difficult to achieve.
Any child will be happy if parents start to take an interest in his opinion.
Never tell a child: "How can you participate in the condemnation of such a serious issue? You are still little!"
Give your child the opportunity to calmly see friends, go to the movies, and pursue hobbies.
Due to overprotection, the child will most likely try to avoid parents.
Do you feel very angry after something your baby did?
Don't rush to yell at your child. First, take a breath. Wait a few seconds. This simple technique often helps moms and dads calm down and not say too much.