What 3 Phrases Are Better Not to Say to Children: Experts' Opinion

01.09.2023 15:58

For a long time, the opinion of parents is highly authoritative for a child, so adults should choose their words very carefully.

Sometimes, using ordinary expressions, you can "gift" children with complexes and other unpleasant "bonuses".

What are three phrases you should stop using?

Any comparisons with other children or with yourself in the past

You shouldn't use such expressions, because they are extremely painful for children. It doesn't matter what your goal was when you compared your child with other children.

The child will hear that he is worse than everyone else and will lose motivation for development.

"I told you so!"

Neither adults nor children want to hear this phrase. Parents who say it are simply "showing off" in front of the child, showing that they were right about something.

Photo: Pixabay

But for children this information is completely useless.

Moreover, this attitude can lead to children simply stopping listening to what adults say.

Any thoughts expressed in a rude manner

Experts believe that it is not only the meaning of what is said that is important, but also the form you choose to express it. Children may not perceive a phrase if it is expressed in a rude manner.

Also, any child reacts badly to shouting. Therefore, try to communicate with the child calmly, choosing words for your thoughts.

Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor

  1. What are three phrases you should stop using?
  2. Any comparisons with other children or with yourself in the past
  3. "I told you so!"
  4. Any thoughts expressed in a rude manner