Many parents are faced with the fact that older generation representatives do not hesitate to interfere in upbringing issues, sometimes ignoring the opinions of family members.
However, in order to solve the problem and avoid conflicts with loved ones, it is necessary to correctly establish the reason for the behavior of older relatives.
Firstly, grandmothers have real-life experience of raising children, which may not seem entirely relevant to modern parents.
Secondly, older women have accumulated invaluable life experience.
Therefore, they sincerely believe that they understand parenting issues better.
Grandmothers often have very warm feelings towards their grandchildren. Therefore, they may interfere in the upbringing process if they feel that you are ignoring the interests of the children.
That is why it is often love that becomes the cause of conflicts in the family.
Any grandmother wants to be transported to warm and pleasant memories of when she was a mother herself. Taking care of grandchildren becomes a kind of "time machine" that allows this task to be accomplished.
Sometimes older female relatives are too active in matters of upbringing simply because they are not yet accustomed to their new role, experts note.
Over time, their enthusiasm will wane.