You're sleeping in the wrong position — and that's no joke. Your favorite way to lie on your side can cause heart disease, heartburn, and even accelerate aging.
Scientists have found that 80% of people choose a position that literally puts pressure on their internal organs.
Imagine: at night your body is resting, but the internal systems are working.
If you sleep on your right side, stomach acid rises up your esophagus, causing heartburn.
The heart is compressed between the lungs and the rib cage, which impedes blood flow. The liver and kidneys are under pressure, slowing detoxification. The result is morning fatigue, swelling, and the risk of chronic disease.
It turns out that the left side is salvation. In this pose, the stomach is below the esophagus, which prevents heartburn.
The spleen filters blood better, the lymphatic system removes toxins more actively.
Even the face swells less, because gravity does not pull the skin down. But there are nuances: the pillow should be a certain height, and the legs should be slightly bent.
We found life hacks that will reprogram your body in a week.
For example, place a rolled towel under your back - it will prevent you from rolling over onto your right side.
Or change sides of the bed: the brain associates a certain angle with a familiar position, and changing places will launch new neural connections.
But it’s not just the position of the body that’s important, but also preparation for sleep.
Avoid food and gadgets two hours before bedtime. The blue light from screens suppresses melatonin production, and a full stomach increases pressure on the diaphragm.
Try meditation: 10 minutes of deep breathing will relieve stress and help you get into the right posture.
It might be the mattress. A surface that is too soft will bend the spine, while a hard surface will create tension in the joints.
The ideal option is an orthopedic mattress of medium hardness. And don't forget about the pillow: it should support your neck, and not lift your head up.
Take a photo of yourself sleeping or ask your loved ones to watch. If you feel alert in the morning and your facial skin is not swollen, you are on the right track.
Remember: healthy sleep is not only about the number of hours, but also the quality of every minute.