Take a close look at your lunch.
It all seems familiar: a delicious steak, some potatoes, a piece of cake.
But have you ever thought that some of these foods can literally clog your heart?
Yes, yes, the very food that we are accustomed to considering harmless can hide a serious threat.
Many people don’t even realize how much salt they consume per day.
Chips, sausages, ready-made sauces – in these products it hides under the guise of a flavor enhancer.
Excessive consumption of salt overloads blood vessels, increases blood pressure, and this is a direct path to heart problems.
Who can resist crispy chicken or French fries?
It's a pity that these dishes are rich in trans fats, which increase the level of bad cholesterol.
Blood vessels lose elasticity, which over time increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Cakes, pastries, soda – sugar is found almost everywhere.
Excessive consumption leads to obesity and insulin resistance, which negatively affect the functioning of the heart.
Red meat, especially processed meat, contains saturated fats. They increase cholesterol levels in the blood, causing clogged arteries.
If it is difficult to give up meat, it is better to choose lean cuts and reduce its consumption.
Ready-made soups, frozen pizzas and other “fast” dishes contain salt, fat and sugar. This combination is not only harmful to the heart, but also addictive.
The high caffeine and sugar content in energy drinks makes the heart work harder.
Their constant use can lead to exhaustion of the heart muscle.