This Little Trick Will Help You Build Powerful Biceps: A Nuance That Will Change Your Workout Results

09.02.2025 10:48

For those who want to quickly achieve the appearance of powerful biceps, there is a little trick that will allow you to realize your plans.

It is related to push-ups, a well-known classic exercise.

It is enough to make a small change in the technique of its execution, and the result of the entire workout can change.

The nuance is that in biceps push-ups, unlike classic ones, the load is distributed differently, since the position of the hands is different.

The standard exercise focuses on the pectorals, triceps, and shoulders.

Photo: Pixabay

The biceps option involves shifting the load specifically to the biceps, say experts.

According to them, instead of the classic wide position, you need to place your hands shoulder-width apart or slightly narrower.

The palms should be turned inward, and the fingers should point towards the toes.

Your legs should be straightened and your toes should rest on the floor.

The body should be as straight as possible, the lower back should not bend, and you should not lift your pelvis.

As you inhale, lower yourself down, moving your elbows back, trying to press them to your torso.

It is advisable to touch the floor with your chest.

At the exit, straighten your arms and return to the starting position, maintaining tension in your biceps.

Author: Pavel Gospodarik Internet resource editor