These 5 Table Habits Are Destroying Your Health And You Repeat Them Every Time

18.02.2025 18:00

Are you sure you're holding your fork correctly? It turns out that even innocent actions while eating can slowly destroy your body.

For example, the habit of drinking tea immediately after lunch slows down digestion: hot liquid dilutes the gastric juice, and food rots instead of being digested.

And if you cut the meat into small pieces at once, instead of biting off, the stomach gets “mush”, the processing of which requires three times more energy.

But that's not the worst part

People who like to eat in front of the TV or with a smartphone in their hands eat 40% more because the brain does not register satiety.

Did you know that fruit for dessert is a time bomb? It gets into your stomach after your main meal, starts to ferment and causes bloating. Eat it an hour before your meal or separately.

Photo: © Belnovosti

And never wash down your meal with cold drinks! This reduces the digestion time from 4 hours to 20 minutes, leaving you hungry and provoking overeating.

The solution is simple: chew each bite 30 times, set a timer for 20 minutes for eating, and replace evening snacks with a glass of warm water with lemon.

But there are also less obvious enemies.

For example, the habit of finishing everything on the plate, even if you are already full

This is not saving, but a way to stretch the stomach. Learn to leave 2-3 spoons - this is how you train self-control.

And also, beware of spices. Hot sauces and seasonings irritate the mucous membrane, causing heartburn and gastritis. Replace them with fresh herbs: parsley and dill improve digestion.

What to do if you have already damaged your stomach

Try a "fasting day" on oatmeal jelly. Pour water over oatmeal overnight, strain in the morning and cook the mixture until thick.

Drink half a glass 3 times a day - this will restore the microflora. And never ignore stomach pain!

Aching sensations after eating may signal an ulcer or pancreatitis. See a doctor immediately, and do not suppress the symptoms with pills.

And one last piece of advice: eat in silence.

Loud conversations and music make you swallow air, which leads to bloating. Turn on some light jazz or nature sounds - it relaxes you and helps you enjoy the taste.

Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. But that's not the worst part
  2. But there are also less obvious enemies.
  3. What to do if you have already damaged your stomach
  4. And one last piece of advice: eat in silence.

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