Pomelo, benefits and harm. How to clean pomelo fruit for eating

19.01.2025 11:07

Many heat-loving fruits are still exotic for many consumers. Pomelo is one of these fruits. Below we will talk about these fruits, their benefits and harm to human health.

Benefits and harms of pomelo fruit

Pomelo is the name of the tree and its fruits, which belong to the genus Citrus. Pomelo differs from the usual tangerines and oranges in size.

There are no larger fruits among citrus crops. These fruits can be more than 30 cm in diameter and weigh over 3.0 kg. It is not for nothing that they are sometimes called a large citron or a swollen lemon. The pulp of the pomelo fruit is the richest source of vitamin C.

An adult needs to eat 120-130 g of pomelo to get the daily requirement of this vitamin. The fruit also contains many other useful substances and compounds that help a person strengthen the immune system, improve digestion, and cleanse the blood and blood vessels of "bad" cholesterol.

Pomelo pulp has a low glycemic index and can be included in the diet of patients with type I or II diabetes.

Photo: © Belnovosti

It is harmful to eat pomelo fruit for people with individual intolerance, as well as during periods of exacerbation of kidney, liver, and stomach diseases. Nursing mothers should also exclude pomelo from their diet.

Description of pomelo fruit

Pomelo differs from mandarin, lemon, orange and even grapefruit by its thicker albedo layer. This white fibrous tissue is located under the zest and tightly surrounds the pulp. The albedo thickness can be from 10 mm to 30 mm.

High-quality pomelo has a pleasant citrus aroma with light fruity notes.

According to color, pomelo fruits are:

  • green;
  • yellow-green;
  • yellow.

A pink blush is acceptable on fruits of any color.
The shape of the pomelo can be:

  • spherical;
  • pear-shaped;
  • spherical, slightly flattened.

The peeled pulp of the fruit resembles the pulp of a large orange, but the transparent films between the segments are much coarser.

The pulp can taste sweet and sour-sweet. Some varieties may have a slightly bitter taste. To ensure that the taste of the pomelo fruit is not spoiled, it must be carefully and properly peeled.


How to clean a pomelo

For eating, it is better to choose fruits no heavier than 2.0 kg, without spots and signs of rot. When pressing on the top of the pomelo, it should be moderately elastic.

To properly clean a pomelo fruit you need to:

  1. Wash the fruit thoroughly.
  2. Use a knife to cut off the top part of the peel.
  3. Using a sharp knife, make cuts from the top of the fruit to its bottom in the form of petals. Pick up each petal with your fingers and bend it down.
  4. Once all the petals have been separated, the pulp remains. It is a bit like the pulp of an orange.
  5. The peeled pomelo fruit is separated into slices, the films are cut along their narrow part and separated from the juicy center.
  6. The peeled pulp is placed on a plate and served as a separate dessert.

The pulp of the pomelo fruit is suitable for preparing various sweet and savory salads and sauces.

Author: Sergey Tumanov Internet resource editor

  1. Benefits and harms of pomelo fruit
  2. Description of pomelo fruit
  3. How to clean a pomelo