How to Strengthen Your Immunity with Essential Oils: Healthy People Don't Get Infected, and Sick People Recover Faster

10.12.2024 17:14

Few people know the impact essential oils have on immunity and the healing process.

To understand this connection, it is first worth remembering that stress has a very strong impact on the normal functioning of the immune system.

Therefore, it is worth using a variety of ways to strengthen it. These include nutrition, taking vitamins and, of course, working with therapeutic grade essential oils.

For example, tea tree essential oil will help in case of a cold. It will also come in handy if you are treating cuts and inflammations caused by fungi, bacteria or viruses.

Myrtle tree oils are a real natural antiseptic.

Essential oils
Photo: Pixabay

You can apply this essential oil to inflamed areas, including the throat, nasopharynx, and ears. Suffering from a sore throat? Gargle with water with sea salt, baking soda, and oil added to it – this rinse will also disinfect the oral cavity.

The oil in your mouthwash will inhibit the growth of unwanted microorganisms.

Lemon, ginger and oregano oils will also be beneficial, although in the latter case you should be careful due to its pungency. It is usually applied to the feet for illnesses - the ether warms the feet and thus improves the well-being of a person with a cold or an acute respiratory viral infection or flu.

Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources