Doctor tells whether it is useful to drink a glass of water on an empty stomach

13.12.2024 16:07

There is an opinion that a glass of water on an empty stomach improves digestion.

But in fact, not only does it not affect digestion, it can actually make it difficult.

This was reported by Gazeta.Ru with reference to gastroenterologist Aliya Useeva.

Should I drink a glass of water in the morning?

As Useeva explained, a morning glass of water in itself does not affect digestion. Moreover, it can cause discomfort in the stomach.

Drinking too much water before breakfast can even make digestion difficult, the expert warned.

Photo: © Belnovosti

To improve digestion, she says, you should drink water during meals, not before them.

The doctor noted that each person has their own characteristics. For example, with gastroesophageal reflux, it is better to limit water consumption during meals.

At the same time, drinking water in the morning hydrates the body, improves kidney function and accelerates the elimination of toxins.

Many patients have told me that a morning glass of water helps them feel more energetic and improves their overall well-being, ” the doctor said.

Thus, Useeva summed up, a glass of water on an empty stomach is not a universal remedy for normalizing digestion, but it can become a pleasant habit that improves well-being.

It is important to listen to your body and be guided by its requirements, the specialist added.

Author: Timur Khomichev Internet resource editor