Secrets of Longevity: 9 Ways to Live at Least a Hundred Years

08.09.2024 01:20
Updated: 27.09.2024 21:06

Probably, each of us wanted to live a long enough life.

Unfortunately, only a very small percentage of people on the planet can live to 100 years, since the average life expectancy is generally 60-80 years.

Life expectancy depends not only on genetics, but also on the image as a whole. But what can be done now to at least get closer to the number 100?

Move more

Nowadays, many people are used to spending their holidays sitting at home on the couch, but few people think that this type of rest leads to minus four years of life. Therefore, it is very important to spend your holidays in motion.

It is necessary to do household chores, walk at least an hour a day in the fresh air, do morning exercises, swim, go to fitness, dance, or maybe just walk up and down the stairs.

Photo: © Belnovosti

This type of recreation eliminates the risk of stroke, heart attack, helps to maintain the body in good physical shape, and strengthens muscles.

Get enough sleep

It has long been known that healthy sleep for an adult is 7-8 hours. But here it is not the number of hours you sleep that is correct, but the time when you go to bed.

It is also important to give up all gadgets a couple of hours before bed, air out the room, drink some soothing tea. When you wake up, you should feel alert and energized, but not the other way around.

Drink enough clean water

There are so many different drinks now that when we want to drink, we can drink juice or soda, but we forget to add regular clean water to our diet. But it is the water balance in our body that is so important.

Water helps remove toxins and helps deliver various nutrients throughout the body. A person needs to drink eight glasses of water a day, and this is only the bare minimum. Think about it, how many glasses of water do you drink?

Healthy and balanced nutrition

The secret of many long-livers is proper nutrition and avoiding meat products.

After all, it is properly prepared vegetables, cereals, and natural dairy products that saturate our body with the right amount of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.

A proper diet saturates our body with vitamins and substances that not only give a feeling of satiety, but also help to avoid overeating and maintain a figure.

Smile more often

Yes, yes, it is optimism that helps us get rid of unpleasant thoughts and emotions.

Try to communicate more often with pleasant, kind people. Communicate more with relatives and friends.

Stop storing up anger and resentment. Be positive and in high spirits.

After all, bad and negative emotions lead to strong and negative stress, and this takes away years of our life, because in this case the nerve cells suffer.

Try to minimize the use of medications for a cold or other minor illness that does not require urgent medical attention and if there is no threat to your health.

Plan all your activities in advance

It is necessary to have a clear plan of your activities for the day, week, etc., this helps to maintain your activity throughout the day, because it is most of the time that we need to move.

Know how to get rid of junk

Free up space in your home, give away or throw away all unnecessary old things that you do not use and will not use. These things poison your life.

And you shouldn’t get attached to things, you bought a thing, used it, the thing fulfilled its function, and if you no longer use it, then get rid of it.

Grow yourself

Don't forget to learn something new and interesting. Share your knowledge with others. And you will see how your life will be filled with interesting people and events.

This is how following simple rules will help you extend your life.

Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Move more
  2. Get enough sleep
  3. Drink enough clean water
  4. Healthy and balanced nutrition
  5. Smile more often
  6. Plan all your activities in advance
  7. Know how to get rid of junk
  8. Grow yourself