Unexpected Secrets to Longevity: Follow 4 Simple Rules - It's Not About Sports or Proper Nutrition

10.05.2024 09:16

Many people have a dream - to live a long and happy life.

It is obvious that the chances of longevity increase with moderate physical activity and adherence to the principles of proper nutrition.

But there are other secrets to prolonging life: they too should be paid attention to.

We are talking about recommendations that may seem strange and even questionable to many people.

But the fact remains: among long-livers there are many people who follow the rules listed below.

Photo: Pixabay

Find a hobby

Lack of hobbies reduces the chances of a significant life expectancy.

Find yourself some hobby. For example, reading books, collecting, sewing, solving crosswords, traveling, making crafts.

Any of these hobbies forces a person to "turn on the brain." This means that the likelihood of cognitive impairment is reduced, and life expectancy is not shortened.

Be sociable

Sociability also helps improve the functioning of the brain in older people.

Elderly people should not become "recluses". They should continue communicating with their family and friends.

Otherwise, you may experience age-related decline in cognitive performance.

Also, having friends and beloved relatives improves a person’s mood, which has a positive effect on health.

Become an optimist

The advantage of pessimists is their constant readiness for the worst possible outcome.

However, older people should not constantly set themselves up for negativity: “winding up” does not contribute to improving health.

The ability to enjoy life and set yourself up for a good future increases your chances of longevity.

Stop being a "diet lover"

Frequent diets do not have the best effect on a person's condition.

Yes, you always want to be slim. But a constant calorie deficit, accompanied by a deterioration in mood, is bad.

A person should pamper himself from time to time. Sometimes you can allow yourself something tasty and "harmful".

Earlier we told you how to speed up your metabolism after 40 years .

Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief

  1. Find a hobby
  2. Be sociable
  3. Become an optimist
  4. Stop being a "diet lover"

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