What foods should you eat to cleanse your body of nicotine?

27.08.2023 15:52

Smokers should add foods to their diet that will help cleanse the body of nicotine.

Nutritionist Maria Kapralova spoke about which products to pay attention to, writes Gazeta.Ru .

The specialist recommended including pomegranates in the diet, which are considered the best remedy in the fight against harmful substances in the body. Such fruits also improve the quality of blood and blood circulation.

In addition, men and women who smoke should include lemons, oranges and other citrus fruits in their menu. They help speed up metabolism and speed up metabolism.

Ginger is also useful, as it helps fight toxins and reduces the urge to smoke.

Photo: Pixabay

You need to pay attention to kiwi.

Fruits help to cope with depression. After all, it is those who suffer from this bad habit who are more often subject to this condition.

Broccoli and fresh greens will also be useful. They regulate metabolic processes and cleanse.

Author: Olga Kotova Internet resource editor