If you had to choose between white and red onions, which would you choose?
Each variety has its own flavor nuances, and red onions are the richest in this regard.
Besides taste preferences, red onions have health and well-being benefits and drawbacks. Let's find out more.
Have you ever put too much onion on your burger or salad and felt heartburn afterwards?
The vegetable can cause symptoms of acid reflux, where stomach acid comes back up into the esophagus and causes a burning sensation in the chest.
In general, people prone to heartburn should avoid onions, spicy foods, citrus fruits, alcohol, and tomatoes.
There is ample evidence that onions have antibacterial effects on the body.
In particular, studies confirm that the vegetable has the ability to fight harmful bacteria E.coli and S.aureus.
And a compound called quercetin found in onions may potentially inhibit the growth of a bacterium called H.pylori, which is linked to stomach ulcers.
Of course, it would be reckless to claim that red onions can 100% protect against E. coli or stomach ulcers, but it is believed that the vegetable can fight bacteria.
According to the study, onions are just one of several foods that can worsen symptoms of the disease. For example, garlic and coffee can cause similar symptoms.
Regular consumption of red onions is important for good health and the prevention of diseases such as diabetes.