The following symptoms are listed, when they appear, it is necessary to urgently examine the veins

07.03.2023 12:45

If your usual and once comfortable shoes suddenly become tight, and veins begin to show through the skin, then this is a clear sign that it is time to seek help from a specialist.

This statement was made by phlebologist surgeon Armen Avakyan.

Gazeta.Ru writes about this.

At the same time, the doctor emphasized that there are other signs that indicate problems.

According to Avakyan, pain, fatigue and heaviness in the legs may also begin to bother you. There is a possibility of swelling, when it becomes more difficult to take off your favorite shoes.

Photo: Pixabay

The doctor also added that due to improper valve operation, the vessel walls are deformed, and as a result, varicose veins appear, which indicate that the pathology is progressing. At the same time, dilated vessels are easy to notice, they can even be felt.

As the doctor noted, venous valves often face loads that complicate their work. This can be sedentary or standing work, long trips, and the problem also appears if a person is at rest for a long time.

Therefore, it is important to balance the load, walk more, do strength exercises under the supervision of a trainer, and also wear compression knitwear.

Author: Olga Kotova Internet resource editor