High blood pressure puts a serious additional strain on internal organs. If the indicators are not controlled, there is a high risk of heart attack or stroke.
But few people know that you can control your blood pressure not only with the help of medications, but also with a properly selected diet.
Sodium has the worst effect on the cardiovascular system. Therefore, you need to exclude those products that contain the most salt.
In addition, if you have problems with blood pressure, you should give up alcohol, caffeine, and cigarettes.
The menu should include vegetables and fruits, and it is also important to add haddock fish.
The last product should be steamed to get the maximum benefit.
Nutritionist Shona Wilkinson spoke to Express about this.
She explained that haddock provides the body with protection against the effects of oxidative stress.
The potassium found in this fish removes excess salt, which causes high blood pressure.