Oncologist tells what happens when you use snus and smoke

05.01.2023 20:00
Updated: 30.09.2023 09:34

Studies were conducted with a group of patients who smoked until they were 70. 16% developed lung cancer. Relying on such statistics and quitting smoking all types of cigarettes would be the right decision.

Oncologist Alexander Degtyarev says that the sooner a person gives up a bad habit, the fewer consequences he will have on his health.

Smoking causes not only lung cancer, but also cancer of the lip, tongue, pharynx, trachea, stomach or pancreas. Quite a large spectrum of tumors that are affected by nicotine and harmful substances contained in tobacco smoke.

To understand that something is wrong with the smoker's health, one should pay attention to new sensations of the body. More abundant secretion of sputum, blood clots in it, a strong cough that does not go away with regular cough medicines.

All this should alert the smoker. Lip and tongue cancer at an early stage can be determined by visual localization. Most often, patients seek help in time, having discovered ulcers or formations on these organs.

Photo: Pixabay

All modern smoking devices cause damage to the body to the same extent. There is no safe way to smoke!

Snus, which is used by young people, is just as dangerous because it comes into direct contact with the mucous membrane of the oral cavity. Indulging in snus causes precancerous changes first, and then oral cancer.

Author: Alevtina Kulaga Internet resource editor