Not everyone knows how to protect things from pilling.
Marina Michalap Participant clothing care Useful tips 12 September 2024We tell you what you need to consider when washing bed linen together with clothes.
Timur Khomichev washing bed sheets washing bed linen washing clothes Useful tips 11 September 2024We'll tell you why you should get into the habit of turning your clothes inside out before washing.
Timur Khomichev washing machine wash washing things washing clothes Useful tips 20 August 2024We'll tell you why it's important not to forget to adjust the spin speed.
Timur Khomichev washing machine wash washing machine washing rules washing machine Useful tips 5 August 2024The duration of washing bed linen depends on the type of fabric.
Timur Khomichev bed sheets washing washing bed linen machine wash Useful tips 3 August 2024If you are not satisfied with the quality of washing, and the washing machine jumps, vibrates and literally leaves its place during this process, the possible cause of these problems is improper loading.
Elena Shimanovskaya washing machine wash washing clothes washing machine Useful tips 1 June 2024