Every housewife has many ways to make her life easier.
One of them involves the use of aspirin, known not only for its anti-inflammatory properties, but also for its whitening “abilities”.
Therefore, if you notice to your disappointment that your beloved blouse has acquired a gray tint, and yellow spots have appeared on your T-shirt in the armpit area, quickly open your medicine cabinet to find this miracle drug in it.

2-3 aspirin tablets are enough for one wash: the exact amount directly depends on how many items are in the drum of the washing machine.
Make powder from the tablets (the easiest way is to use two spoons), and then pour the product into the compartment where the laundry detergent is already located.
After this, select a mode in which washing will take place at 40 degrees and will last no more than one hour.
When the washing machine has finished its work, take the washed items out of the drum and evaluate the result.
According to those who regularly use this method, the effect will pleasantly surprise you.
Important: this life hack applies only to white items. If the clothes are dyed in other colors, it is better not to use this method, since they may lose their brightness, and black ones may turn gray.