Are you sure that a kitchen sponge is the queen of cleanliness?
In fact, it is a breeding ground for bacteria and is 200 times dirtier than a toilet seat!
Every time you wipe the table with it, you smear an army of germs. The solution? Replace the sponge with… a regular newspaper. Wet it with water and lemon juice, roll it into a ball and wash the surfaces.

The paper will absorb the dirt, and the lemon will disinfect. And yes, it's cheaper than buying new sponges every week.
Here's another killer of cleanliness - the cutting board. Even if you wash it with soap, food particles remain in the scratches, which rot and poison the air.
Rub the board with salt and half a lemon - the acid will kill bacteria, and the abrasive crystals will polish the surface.
But the most unexpected life hack is… a hair dryer. Yes, a regular hair dryer. If you blow it into the cracks between tiles or the corners of cabinets, you will drive out dust and spiders that have been hiding from your rag for years.
Now cleaning will take minutes, and the result will shine like after a general cleaning.